When did my development begin?

I think my first sign of development began to show kinda towards the start of my time in this class when I really started to understand the meaning and concepts of “inquiry”. When all of our class discussions were based around inquiry and how to use it.


Some aspects of genres that will be influencing my web texts contribution would be the way things are discussed, question and answer, social, communicating relationships. This is where we come up with what to do with our groups.

Also situated, the way our website needs to look, the appeal of the audience and the target of the website. What are we trying to interest the viewers in.


Consider write up quotes from and interview, maybe actually see it (tattoos), or hear from an MP3 what they have to say. Over all story from the interviewers words.

Allow yourself time to compose your magazine

Web text form, expectation of a magazine, appropriate to the genre that you chose. Editing attention, need to have a multimedia composition. Multimedia elements need to be of your own photography, own charts, own audio.

Two separate opinions need to be addressed, how is speaking to the larger contribution.

Your contribution should be able to stand outside of this class

Reflection & Analysis

-Think of some significant events that you’ve experienced throughout this course

Using inquiry, understanding that format isn’t always required

-Think of your reaction during these events and list everything that comes to mind

Taken back, confused, questioning if my work in high-school was ever “good”, frustrated, impatient, critical thinking

-Ask yourself why you think you reacted the way that you did, how dd it change you?

It changed how I viewed writing. Now that I realize there is no “correct format” it makes it that much easier for me to write. Stress reliever


Part 1: What’s the context from which you’re reflecting in? What is that significant moment to you? Something that was different to you? The moment itself doesn’t have to change you.

You have you then within reflection and then you have the recreation of the significant situation so you can look at it now. You have to find something you can work with it, and capture how you felt in that moment. Were you one edge? More aware?

Part 2: Current self perspective. What more is to it? Why were they acting that way? Choose a series of moments that are connected, or just one moment.

Part 3: How you would open up to the moment more? How you can apply it. Projecting. Identifying what you’ve learned from the moment, “the extra step.” Relating to the analyses, but making a larger statement that could be transferable to unlike situations

You can site others peoples work.

Understandings of Literacies

Understandings of literacies is applying to readings. I think Swales’ concepts are worth understanding and also help us better understand what we are reading. Our class time discussion is worth a thousand words and really drags out the concepts Swales’ has.

Things are brought to our attention in different manners like language, the way they will benefit you in the future with different work ethics you’ll come across. I think our UWRT class has a common goal and communication where other courses may just be getting the points across.

I think clarification is important and set goals, ideas, and curriculum.

Age vs. Literacy

Age influences literacy a lot in my opinion. As a kindergartner you can be literate by reading the writing and spitting words out but you may not comprehend them.

Literacy can be different in the way we use literacy. When writing papers you won’t to use correct grammar which can be categorized in “correct literacy.” When texting or just writing notes in class you can use acronyms and it still be considered literacy because you personally understand the form it is being wrote in.

Children don’t always understand literacy but they can spit out words, do they really know how to pronounce them from the way they look or because they hear their teachers/peers/parents saying them? What do you think?

What was significant?

The Element of Literacy-

To me the No Child Left Behind Act has all good intentions but don’t necessarily know how to go about things correctly. They are still going through trial and error. I thought it had a more positive effect on children before than it does now. Students aren’t learning all the material they need to be for the real world and teachers aren’t giving out deserving grades. I believe this could be because teachers believe they will be frowned upon in their teachings if too many kids are failing even if that is the grade they deserve.

Literacy is… Metaphors: Adaptation, power, state of grace

Adaptation: you need this to get by, maintaining

Power: being able to climb the social ladder, doing more than just getting by

State of Grace: Abilities of understanding that others don’t have, “I’m better than you because I am literate and you’re not.” attitude

Standardized testing to me is not a way of testing your literacy

It never occurred to me that there was more than one type of literacy, after hearing what the class had to say in our discussion I have a way more better understanding of it. The three metaphors of literacy that we discussed really helped me better understand, from adaptation, power to state of grace. In my thoughts I thought the State of Grace metaphor really stood out. To have the ability to understand things that others don’t have is a higher educated form of literacy, I would say.

Grammar Rants

When I was in middle school writing to me wasn’t a subject I was very strong in, spelling errors, grammatical errors, and punctuation was always a struggle for me. I was constantly receiving papers back with low grades not due to the lack of information or the way I thought through my writing but because of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. “You’re” and “your” were two words I never really understood how to use in the correct contexts along with, “they’re, their, and there.” until I got into high school. Knowing that this can sometimes be a difficult subject it’s always important to keep trying to learn how to use words in the correct context. Now that I understand how to it irritates me to no end when my peers use them in incorrect ways!

Todays class really pointed out to me that not all grammatical errors are completely incorrect. Everyone has a different way of viewing things, but that doesn’t always mean they are the correct ways.